"[Elaine] is sincerely committed to achieving the goals of educating, unifying, inspiring and healing through art."
- Joan Dameron Crisler
Retired Principal
" Carolyn truly brings an amazing gift to her work with youth- the combination of her love of young people and her love of artistic expression. Youth are given an opportunity to participate in the creation of a major piece of public art- a source of tremendous pride that they can share with others and know will be valued for many years to come. It is something important and permenant in a world that for them too often feels cheap and transient."
- Sheila M. Merry
Executive Director
Jane Adams Juvenile Court Foundation

About Elaine

Carolyn Elaine has emerged as a leader in the Chicago art community known for her culturally relevant mosaic murals and art installations. Elaine has collaborated with community groups... (More)

My Philosophy

" The creative process provides a clearing for me- a fertile ground for self-realization. I invite others to join me in that space as spectators or participants- either way they are drawn into the conversation of what is possible. "